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Top 4 Ways to Avoid Frozen Pipes in Prairie Ridge WA | Frozen Pipe Repair

It’s that time of year again!  Leaves are changing color, temperatures are dropping, and pipes are about to freeze in Prairie Ridge WA!  Don’t be caught off guard this winter.  Let RossCo Service Plumbers help you winterize your pipes.

Top 4 Ways to Avoid Frozen Pipes in Prairie Ridge WA:

  1. INSULATE YOUR PIPES! – one of the most effective ways to avoid frozen pipes.
  2. Maintain Adequate Heating – set thermostat to a constant temperature all season long.
  3. Seal Gaps and Cracks – caulk and weatherstrip any gaps to maintain a warmth around your pipes.
  4. Allow Faucets to Drip – even a small trickle; moving water is harder to freeze than stagnant water.

For more information on frozen pipe prevention in Prairie Ridge WA, reach out to RossCo Service Plumbers!  We are experts at keeping your pipes healthy and flowing! Call today! – (253) 204-9092 

Freezing Faucets

Frozen Pipe Burst in Prairie Ridge WA | Frozen Pipe Fix in Prairie Ridge

Piping Services Wa

Frozen Pipe Burst in Prairie Ridge WA | Frozen Pipe Fix in Prairie Ridge

What causes pipes to freeze and possibly to burst in Prairie Ridge WA?  Primarily, sub-freezing temperatures, but there are other factors as well.

  • Cracks or leaks
  • Excessive pressure
  • Inadequate drainage
  • Repeated freezing and thawing

These are some of the reasons for frozen pipe bursts in Prairie Ridge WA.  For prevention and repairs, call RossCo Service Plumbers! – (253) 204-9092 

Prepare for Winter in Prairie Ridge WA with RossCo Service Plumbers!

Prepare for Winter in Prairie Ridge WA with RossCo Service Plumbers!

The best way to avoid a frozen pipe burst in Prairie Ridge WA, is to prepare and winterize your pipes with RossCo Service Plumbers before the temperatures drop.  We have extensive experience with helping your pipes survive and thrive during the winter.  Call us today for a thorough pipe inspection, and to help you prepare for winter! – (253) 204-9092 

RossCo Service Plumbers